Dashboard Charts for ASP.NET

Digital dashboards are now a common requirement for business intelligence and .netCHARTING offers extensive features for dashboards and reporting.  InfoGrids™and microcharts work together to display important metrics including Key Performance Indicators (KPI).  Executive dashboards offer managers immediate, at-a-glance updates on the core metrics of their business or departments.

This digital dashboard demonstrates combining various chart elements to create a complete business intelligence portal.


Digital dashboard components include a full range of MicroCharts including bars, gauges, progress bars, bullets, sparklines, area lines, scales, pies and markers.

InfoGrids™ provide the ability to incorporate text based data within your digital dashboards and mange the chart and image in a single file that is simple to view, email or incorporate into print documents.

Sparklines combined in InfoGrids™ result in powerful charts that quickly communicate business management trends. Gauge bars and progress bars support shading and advanced data visualization options unique to .netCHARTING.

Business Intelligence Chart Dashboard:

Organization chart illustrating vertical layout, line thickness and color customization, metallic shading, per group color customization and picture display.