Enabling MS Access Support on x64 / IIS7

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Enabling MS Access Support on x64 / IIS7

Enabling 32 bit applications on x64 with IIS7 to allow for usage for MS Access databases
Note: you can also work with the trial samples using alternate databases including MS SQL Server, Oracle and MySQL see the /database folder in your .netCHARTING installation readme.txt for deployment and database setup details)

To setup MS access support on x64:

  1. Open the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager
  2. Select the Sites high level entry in the IIS Manager
  3. Select the web site in use then r-click-->manage web site-->advanced settings
  4. Confirm the Application Pool name in use for the site
  5. Select the Application Pools high level entry in the IIS Manager
  6. Click the application pool ldentified from step 4
  7. Application Pools-->Advanced Settings-->Enable 32-Bit Applications
  8. Set this value to true, click okay.

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Last Modified:Monday, November 22, 2010
Last Modified By: Support
Rated 3 stars based on 2 votes.
Article has been viewed 14,446 times.