Could not load file or assembly ''dotnetCHARTING'' or one of its...

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Could not load file or assembly ''dotnetCHARTING'' or one of its...


You encounter the following error message when running a page containing a chart.

Could not load file or assembly 'dotnetCHARTING' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.


If this appears the first time you try to run a page with a chart or sample, it usually means the app's root folder is not set up as an application.


WebForms: To resolve this issue, make sure the directory containing the bin folder is set up as an application in IIS manager. For detailed instructions, please see this document.

WinForms: Ensure the dotnetCHARTING.WinForms.DLL file is located in your application's bin folder and add the DLL to your project references in Visual Studio.

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Last Modified:Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Last Modified By: Support
Rated 1 star based on 6 votes.
Article has been viewed 27,043 times.