How can the element label show its name and other information.

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How can the element label show its name and other information.


How can the element label show its name and other information.


The element's text string behaves like a template and uses tokens to represent information. This also applied to virtually all labels. Tokens can be used to represent most object's attributes.

This code demonstrates how to show the element's name and value:


Chart.DefaultElement.SmartLabel.Text = "%Name %Value";

[Visual Basic]

Chart.DefaultElement.SmartLabel.Text = "%Name %Value"

See also Tokens Reference for a list of available tokens.

To use other custom information with tokens, custom attributes can be used. Please see the custom attributes tutorial for more information.

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Last Modified:Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Last Modified By: Support
Rated 2 stars based on 4 votes.
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