Oracle support

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Oracle support


What is the extent of support for Oracle databases?


Oracle is currently supported with with .netCHARTING by passing a DataSet or any of the following data objects to the DataEngine.Data or Chart.Data Properties.

  • DataSet
  • DataTable
  • DataView

When version 2.0 of the .NET framework is released .netCHARTING will follow with a version that natively supports oracle. Meaning, you will be able to obtain oracle data automatically using DataEngine.ConnectionString and DataEngine.SqlStatement properties. At that time two separate versions of .netCHARTING will be maintained, one for .NET framework version 1.0 and another for 2.0.

See the help file dotnetcharting.chm (included with the downloadable bundle) Getting Started > Data Tutorials > Connecting to data for more information on connecting to different databases.  You may also wish to examine the datatable.aspx, dataset.aspx and dataview.aspx feature samples included in the bundle.

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Last Modified:Friday, April 9, 2004
Last Modified By: Support
Type: INFO
Rated 2 stars based on 5 votes.
Article has been viewed 10,143 times.