Invalid path / permissions

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Invalid path / permissions

ErrorMessage: Invalid path / permissions: [c:\yourdirectory\subdirectory] Please confirm the TempDirectory property is set to a valid path and that the anonymous web user (ASPNET/Network Service) has file level (NTFS) write permissions on this directory. If the TempDirectory property is not set, .netCHARTING will attempt to write the temp files in the same directory as the calling script.

This error message could occur if:

1) The provided path does not exist
2) The provided path does not have permissions for the web user to write the chart image.

In Windows 2000 and XP, the default security context ASPNET user would require write permissions on the temp directory defined with the Chart.TempDirectory property.  With windows server 2003 the identity of the default application pool is Network Service.

To specify permissions, right-click the folder in windows explorer, select the security tab. Then select the user and permissions. please see this help topic for more information.

If all permissions are set correctly and you still get this message, set full permissions for 'everyone' on the temp directory temporarily to rule out permissions issues.

Lastly, if all else fails, send the following information to

  • Physical location of aspx page. (C:\wwwroot\....)
  • Physical location of temp directory.
  • Line of code where the temp directory is set: (Chart.TempDirectory = "temp")

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Last Modified:Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Last Modified By: Support
Rated 2 stars based on 141 votes.
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