.netCHARTING is always supporting the latest frameworks and operating systems for development and production. From Windows 10 and IIS 10 to the WS2016 technical previews and .NET 5.0 we work closely with Microsoft to ensure broad based support for .netCHARTING and add official certifications as soon as the final versions are released.
Latest Tools.netCHARTING has already worked hard to support the latest Microsoft platforms and technologies so you can service your clients from any operating system and mobile device throughout the world. This commitment is extended with the newest releases of .netCHARTING which expand on our resolution and device independent mobile and tablet support and enhanced interactivity. You can learn more about various .netCHARTING firsts and innovations through the overview.
Windows Server 2012 CertifiedThroughout the years, as an official Microsoft certified partner, Silver partner and Gold Partner, we have access to the tools and support in beta stages. .netCHARTING was one on the first charting solutions certified for Windows Server 2012.
Visual Studio 2015 SupportedVisual Studio has been supported since the initial release of Visual Studio .NET in 2002. Along with every version in between, .netCHARTING now officially supports Visual Studio 2015 to meet all your chart development needs.
.NET Framework and ASP.net 4.6 SupportedWith a decade of history, .netCHARTING has seen a lot of ASP.net and .NET framework releases. We still actively support projects on any version from 2.0 to 4.6 and beyond. We look forward to meeting your needs on the most current Microsoft platforms and technologies.