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JS Charting
Case Studies Submission
Order ID:
numeric only
enter valid number
Please enter your .netCHARTING orderid. This information, along with other sensitive details, will not be publicly displayed. To see exactly what will display, please view the case study gallery.[numeric only]
Company Name:
field required
The company name of the company who implemented the project. [max 255 chars.]
Customer Company Name:
The company name of the customer the project was inmplemented for, if this is the same as company name please leave this field blank. [max 255 chars]
Charts per month:
field required
numeric only
enter valid number
Number of charts generated by the project per month. [numeric only]
Users per month:
field required
numeric only
enter valid number
Number of end users accessing the project each month. [numeric only]
Project Name:
field required
The name or title of the project in question. [max 255 chars]
Project Type:
The type of project select from available options.
Project Objective:
field required
max 255 chars allowed
A brief one or two sentence description of the project objective with regards to charting. [max 255 chars.]
Detailed Description:
field required
A detailed (1 or more paragraph) project description including specifics on how .netCHARTING was used in the project.
Most positive Experience:
field required
What pleased you the most working with .netCHARTING for this project?
Least positive Experience:
What was your biggest problem working with .netCHARTING for this project?
Screen Shot:
select file
A screen shot of the chart image(s) in context of the entire application. For example a screen shot of the web browser showing the application in use with a chart displayed. PNG or low compression JPG images are ideal.
Actual chart images:
select file
Chart 1
select file
Chart 2
Chart 3
Chart 4
Two to four actual chart images as generated by .netCHARTING. Typically these would be depend on the output settings used in your specific application.
* - indicates a required field.