dotnetCHARTING Send comments on this topic.
dotnetCHARTING Namespace
See Also  Inheritance Hierarchy


Annotation Encapsulates a Box object with a position, data source, and hot spot functionality.
AnnotationCollection Contains a collection of Annotation objects.
Axis Represents an axis drawn on a ChartArea.
Axis.ScaleSync An extension to the SynchronizeScale property. Defines the scale synchronization behavior of an axis.
Axis.TimeScaleLabelInfo Encapsulates time scale label behavior options in addition to axis ticks and format strings used instead of the main axis ticks when they represent particular instances in time.
AxisCollection Contains a collection of Axis objects.
AxisMarker Defines styles and positions used to mark a specified section or point on an axis.
AxisMarkerCollection Contains a collection of AxisMarker objects.
AxisTick Encapsulates an axis tick that includes Label or ElementMarker, TickLine, and GridLine styling objects.
AxisTickCollection Contains a collection of AxisTick objects.
Background Defines styling properties used to fill the interior of polygons and chart elements such as legend boxes, annotations and other shapes.
Box Defines a base class for derived objects such as TitleBox, LegendBox, and Annotation.
CalendarPattern Specifies a calendar pattern such as weekends in a week.
Chart The .netCHARTING control.
ChartArea Represents an area on which series and elements are plotted.
ChartAreaCollection Contains a collection of ChartArea objects.
ChartAreaLayout Encapsulates a set of options that control the layout of multiple chart areas in a single chart image.
DataEngine Acquires and manipulates data from databases or other sources, then creates a SeriesCollection which is consumed by the chart control.
DataSource Represents a single or related set of .netCHARTING data-based objects that specify a data source used to parse tokens and populate custom legend boxes with LegendEntry objects.
Element Represents a element object or data point on the chart.
ElementCollection Contains a collection of Element objects.
ElementMarker Defines a graphical object with a specified shape, size, and color or an image used to mark and identify Element objects.
EmptyElement Defines the behavior and appearance of empty elements for a given Series.
FileManager Facilitates saving bitmap images and cleanup.
FinancialEngine Provides a set of methods that perform financial analysis of series and series collections.
FinancialEngine.Options Defines a set of static options used with FinancialEngine calculations.
ForecastEngine Provides a set of methods that find the best fit curve of a data set.
ForecastEngine.Advanced This class contains advanced methods for calculating the best fitting curve of a data set. It allows the user to construct his own function.
ForecastEngine.Options Defines a set of static options used with FinancialEngine calculations.
HitTestInfo Contains information about the point on the chart including related objects at that position.
Hotspot Represents a hotspot on the image and provides events such as tool tips and redirect URL when clicked.
Hotspot.HtmlAttribute Encapsulates a number of pre-defined javascript actions and their values.
Hotspot.HtmlAttributes Encapsulates a set of html event attributes and their values.
HotspotCollection Contains a collection of Hotspot objects.
Label Represents a label containing text, a font, color, and other options.
LabelAlignmentCollection Contains a collection of LabelAlignment objects.
LabelOverrideCollection Contains a collection of LabelOverride objects.
LegendBox Encapsulates a collection of LegendEntry objects.
LegendBoxCollection Contains a collection of LegendBox objects.
LegendEntry Represents an entry in the legend box.
LegendEntryCollection Contains a collection of LegendEntry objects.
Line Defines styling used to draw a line or curve.
ListCollection A list dictionary variation that allows adding items of the string type using a string.
Parameter Represents an SQL parameter to use with a StoredProcedure.
ParameterCollection Contains a collection of Parameter objects.
ScaleRange Represents a value or range of values on an axis scale. Values can be numeric, DateTime, and string types.
ScaleRangeCollection Contains a collection of ScaleRange objects.
Series Encapsulates a group of elements.
SeriesCollection Contains a collection of Series objects.
Shadow Represents a shadow cast by chart objects such as a Box, Annotation, and others.
SmartColor Defines a SmartColor object that can be used applied to elements or series conditionally based on specific names or elements with values which fall within a specified range.
SmartLabel Encapsulates a Label object with advanced alignment and collision detection options.
SmartPalette Contains collection of SmartPalette objects or dictionary like items of string and color pairs where strings refer to series or element names and colors that are assigned to series or elements with those names.
StatisticalEngine Provides a set of methods that perform statistical analysis of series and series collections.
StatisticalEngine.Options Defines a set of static options used with StatisticalEngine calculations.
SubValue Represents a value relative to or independent of the parent element's value.
SubValueCollection Contains a collection of SubValue objects.
TimeIntervalAdvanced Represents a time interval and instant at which it occurs.
TimeIntervalCollection Contains a collection of TimeInterval objects.
Truncation Defines properties used to shorten long labels.


LabelOverride Defines a string find and replace pair used by Axis objects to manipulate tick labels.



BackgroundMode Specifies a background drawing mode.
BoxCorner Specifies a box edge style.
Calculation Specifies a calculation to be performed on a series or series collection.
ChartAreaLayoutMode Specifies the positioning behavior of multiple chart areas on a single chart image.
ChartType Represents the chart type of a chart.
DataProviderType Specifies a database type.
DataSourceType Specifies a DataSource type to split the parent DataSource into.
ElementMarkerType Built in element marker icons.
ElementValue Specifies a value of an element.
EmptyElementMode Specifies how empty elements are handled.
FieldType Specifies a database field data type.
HatchStylePalette Specifies a pre-defined hatch style palette.
HitTestType Defines the type of object described by a HitTestInfo class.
ImageFormat Specifies file save format.
LabelAlignment Specifies alignment of a label.
LegendBoxPosition Specifies the position of the legend box.
LegendEntryHeaderMode Specifies a header mode for element entries.
LimitMode Controls the type of limitation in Limit or SplitByLimit properties.
Orientation Specifies the orientation of an object.
Palette Specifies a pre-defined palette.
PieLabelMode Specifies pie label behavior.
RadarLabelMode Specifies how tick labels behave on a radar graph.
RadarMode Specifies the behavior of the x axis on a circular graph such as radar.
Scale Indicates the scale of an axis.
ScaleBreakStyle Specifies how a scale break is drawn on a chart.
SeriesType Specifies how a series will be shown on the chart.
SeriesTypeFinancial Specifies how a financial series will be shown on the chart.
SeriesTypeMultiple Specifies how a multiple chart type series will be shown on the chart.
ShadingEffectMode Specifies a shading mode.
ShapeType Specifies how a shape bubble will be drawn.
SubValueType Specifies the how a sub value is drawn.
SynchronizeScaleMode Specifies an axis scale synchronization mode between two or more axes.
TickLabelMode Specifies how tick labels are laid out.
TimeInterval Specifies a time interval.
TimeScaleLabelMode Specifies the single value time label automation mode.
TimeScaleLabelRangeMode Specifies the range value time label automation mode.
TitleBoxPosition Specifies the title box position.
TruncationMode Specifies how to trim characters from a string that exceeds a maximum number of characters.

See Also