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TickLabelMode Enumeration
See Also  
dotnetCHARTING Namespace : TickLabelMode Enumeration

Specifies how tick labels are laid out.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Enum TickLabelMode 
   Inherits Enum
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim instance As TickLabelMode
public enum TickLabelMode : Enum 


Automatic Specifies that the best mode is automatically determined.
Angled Specifies that labels are angled. Only applies to x axes.
Normal Specifies that labels are drawn horizontally on a single line. If labels will overlap with this setting, they will automatically switch to angled.
Wrapped Specifies that labels are drawn wrapping horizontally. If labels will overlap with this setting, they will automatically switch to angled.

Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also