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Orientation Enumeration
See Also  
dotnetCHARTING Namespace : Orientation Enumeration

Specifies the orientation of an object.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Enum Orientation 
   Inherits Enum
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim instance As Orientation
public enum Orientation : Enum 


Left The object is on the left.
Right The object is on the right.
Top The object is on top.
Bottom The object is on bottom.
TopLeft The object ( Usually an annotation) on the upper left hand side.
TopRight The object ( Usually an annotation) on the upper right hand side.
BottomRight The object ( Usually an annotation) on the bottom right hand side.
BottomLeft The object ( Usually an annotation) on the bottom left hand side.
None No orientation is specified.

Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also