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ElementValue Enumeration
See Also  
dotnetCHARTING Namespace : ElementValue Enumeration

Specifies a value of an element.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Enum ElementValue 
   Inherits Enum
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim instance As ElementValue
public enum ElementValue : Enum 


Name The name of an element.
YValue Y value of an element.
YValueStart Initial y value of an element.
XValue X value of an element.
XValueStart Initial x value of an element.
YDateTime Y DateTime value of an element.
YDateTimeStart Initial y DateTime value of an element.
XDateTime X DateTime value of an element.
XDateTimeStart Initial x DateTime value of an element.
BubbleSize Bubble size value of an element.
Complete Percent completed value of an element.
Open Financial open price value of an element.
Close Financial close price value of an element.
High Financial high price value of an element.
Low Financial low price value of an element.
Volume Financial trade volumn value of an element.
Length Element's length, refers to a pie slice's length.
Height Element's height, refers to a pie slice's height.
ZValue The Z Value, used with surface charts.

Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also

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