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ChartAreaLayoutMode Enumeration
See Also  
dotnetCHARTING Namespace : ChartAreaLayoutMode Enumeration

Specifies the positioning behavior of multiple chart areas on a single chart image.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Enum ChartAreaLayoutMode 
   Inherits Enum
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim instance As ChartAreaLayoutMode
public enum ChartAreaLayoutMode : Enum 


VerticalPrioritySpecifies that chart areas layout will be based on axis relationships where x axes will be matched before chart areas are added based on y axis relationships.

ChartAreaLayoutRules.EnforceOppositeAxisAlignment affects this setting.

HorizontalPrioritySpecifies that chart areas layout will be based on axis relationships where y axes will be matched before chart areas are added based on x axis relationships.

ChartAreaLayoutRules.EnforceOppositeAxisAlignment affects this setting.

VerticalSmart Specifies that chart areas will be laid out vertically in a single column and arranged based on x axis relationships.
HorizontalSmart Specifies that chart areas will be laid out horizontally in a single row and arranged based on x axis relationships.
Vertical Specifies that chart areas will be laid out vertically in a single column in the order they were added.
Horizontal Specifies that chart areas will be laid out horizontally in a single row in the order they were added.
Custom Specifies that chart areas will be laid out in a grid matrix based on ChartArea.GridPosition.

Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also

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