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SmartLabel Class Members
See Also  Properties  Methods 
dotnetCHARTING Namespace : SmartLabel Class

The following tables list the members exposed by SmartLabel.

Public Constructors

Public ConstructorSmartLabel Constructor Initializes a new instance of the SmartLabel class.  

Public Properties

Public PropertyAlignmentGets or sets the primary label alignment.  
Public PropertyAlignmentSecondary Gets or sets a collection of secondary label alignment options.  
Public PropertyAllowMarkerOverlap Gets or sets a value that indicates whether smart labels are allowed to be positioned on top of element markers. This property should be set at the Chart.DefaultElement.SmartLabel property level.  
Public PropertyAutoWrap Gets or sets a value that specifies whether this label will automatically wrap if it gets too long. This feature allows the chart to maintain the largest possible area for chart data. (Inherited from Label)
Public PropertyColor Gets or sets the color of this label. (Inherited from Label)
Public PropertyDynamicDisplay Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the label is forced to be drawn even when there is no room. False means labels are always drawn.  
Public PropertyDynamicPosition Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the label will be positioned using collision detection.  
Public PropertyFont Gets or sets the font for this label. (Inherited from Label)
Public PropertyForceVertical Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the label is forced to be drawn vertically.  
Public PropertyHotspot Gets or sets the Hotspot of this Label. (Inherited from Label)
Public PropertyLine Gets or sets a Line object that facilitates the DynamicPosition functionality.  
Public PropertyLineAlignmentGets or sets the line alignment of this label. (Inherited from Label)
Public PropertyOutlineColor Gets or sets to color used to outline this label's text. (Inherited from Label)
Public PropertyPieLabelMode Gets or sets a PieLabelMode enumeration for pie and donut charts.  
Public PropertyRadarLabelMode Gets or sets a RadarLabelMode enumeration for radar charts.  
Public PropertyText Gets or sets the text for this label. (Inherited from Label)
Public PropertyTruncation Gets or sets properties used to dynamically shorten this label when it reaches a maximum length. (Inherited from Label)

Public Methods

Public MethodClone (Inherited from dotnetCHARTING.Mapping.Drawing.Property)
Public MethodDispose (Inherited from Label)

See Also