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LegendEntry Class Members
See Also  Properties 
dotnetCHARTING Namespace : LegendEntry Class

The following tables list the members exposed by LegendEntry.

Public Constructors

Public ConstructorLegendEntry ConstructorOverloaded. Initializes a new instance of the LegendEntry class.  

Public Properties

Public PropertyBackground Gets or sets a Background object that influences how the entry's icon is drawn.  
Public PropertyCustomAttributes Gets or sets a ListCollection that represents additional entry attributes.  
Public PropertyDashStyle Gets or sets a line DashStyle that influences how the entry's icon is drawn.  
Public PropertyDataSourceGets or sets a DataSource object used to replace tokens.  
Public PropertyDividerLineGets or sets a Line that is drawn under the LegendEntry.  
Public PropertyHeaderMode Gets or sets an a LegendEntryHeaderMode enumeration that specifies a how this LegendEntry behaves.  
Public PropertyHotspot Gets or sets the Hotspot of this LegendEntry.  
Public PropertyLabelStyle Gets or sets a Label object that defines the font and color of this LegendEntry object's text.  
Public PropertyMarker Gets or sets an ElementMarker that influences how the entry's icon is drawn.  
Public PropertyName Gets or sets the name of this legend entry.  
Public PropertyPaddingTop Gets or sets a value (in pixels) that specifies additional padding above this LegendEntry object.  
Public PropertySeriesType Gets or sets a SeriesType that influences how the entry's icon is drawn.  
Public PropertyShapeType Gets or sets the shape type of this legend entry icon when LegendEntry.SeriesType = SeriesType.BubbleShape.  
Public PropertySortOrder Gets or sets a value that represents the sort position of this LegenEntry when sorted with other entries in a LegendBox.  
Public PropertyToolTip Gets or sets this legend entry's tool tip.  
Public PropertyURLGets or sets the URL of this legend entry.  
Public PropertyURLTargetGets or sets the URL target of this legend entry's link.  
Public PropertyUse3D Gets or sets a value that specifies whether icons represent 2D or 3D series.  
Public PropertyValueGets or sets the value of this legend entry.  
Public PropertyVisible Gets or sets a value which specifies whether the legend entry is visible.  

See Also