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AroonOscillatorOverPeriod(Series,Int32) Method
See Also 
dotnetCHARTING Namespace > FinancialEngine Class > AroonOscillatorOverPeriod Method : AroonOscillatorOverPeriod(Series,Int32) Method

A series where the first term is the traded high of the asset within the most recent trading period, the second term is the traded high of the asset within the previous period and so on.
An integer which represents the length of the period over which the indicator will be iteratively evaluated.
Evaluates the Aroon Oscillator over all periods where sufficient historical data is provided.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Overloads Public Shared Function AroonOscillatorOverPeriod( _
   ByVal s As Series, _
   ByVal lengthOfPeriod As Integer _
) As Series
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim s As Series
Dim lengthOfPeriod As Integer
Dim value As Series
value = FinancialEngine.AroonOscillatorOverPeriod(s, lengthOfPeriod)
public static Series AroonOscillatorOverPeriod( 
   Series s,
   int lengthOfPeriod


A series where the first term is the traded high of the asset within the most recent trading period, the second term is the traded high of the asset within the previous period and so on.
An integer which represents the length of the period over which the indicator will be iteratively evaluated.

Return Value

A series where the first term is the value of the Aroon Oscillator for the most recent period, the second term is the value of the Aroon Oscillator for the previous period and so on.


Evaluation of the Aroon Oscillator

The Aroon Oscillator over each period is evaluated using the following formulae:

Aroon Oscillator = (Aroon Up Indicator) - (Aroon Down Indicator)

where 'Aroon Up Indicator' and `Aroon Down Indicator' are evaluated using.

The Aroon Up indicator is given by:

100(n - (number of days since last highest high over n days))/n

where n is the number of days being considered (a reasonable default value for n is 14).

The Aroon Down indicator is given by:

100(n - (number of days since last highest high over n days))/n

where n is the number of days being considered (a reasonable default value for n is 14).

See Also