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Element Class Members
See Also  Properties  Methods 
dotnetCHARTING Namespace : Element Class

The following tables list the members exposed by Element.

Public Constructors

Public ConstructorElement ConstructorOverloaded.  Initializes a new instance of the Element class.  

Public Properties

Public PropertyAnnotation Gets or sets this element's Annotation.  
Public PropertyAxisMarker Gets or sets this element's AxisMarker.  
Public PropertyBubbleSize Gets or sets the bubble size of this element.  
Public PropertyClose Gets or sets the financial closing price of this element.  
Public PropertyColor Gets or sets this element's color.  
Public PropertyComplete Gets or sets the percent complete value of this element.  
Public PropertyCustomAttributes Gets a collection of custom attributes associated with this element.  
Public PropertyDefaultSubValue Gets or sets a default SubValue object used to propagate its property settings to all SubValue objects in the SubValues collection.  
Public PropertyErrorHighValue Gets of sets the high error value. When set, a single SubValue is drawn above the element's value. When ErrorLowValue is also set, a range SubValue is drawn between the two values.  
Public PropertyErrorLowValue Gets of sets the low error value. When set, a single SubValue is drawn below the element's YValue value or range. When ErrorHighValue is also set, a range SubValue is drawn between the two values.  
Public PropertyErrorMinusOffset Gets of sets the negative error offset. When set, a single SubValue is drawn below the element's value.  
Public PropertyErrorMinusPercent Gets or sets the negative error offset based on the specified percentage of the element's YValue value or range. When set, a single SubValue is drawn below the element's value. When ErrorPlusPercent is also set, a range SubValue is drawn between the two points.  
Public PropertyErrorOffset Gets or sets the error offset. The offset represents a range, +/- the value of the offset with respect to the element's YValue value or range.  
Public PropertyErrorPercent Gets or sets the error offset based on the specified percentage of the element's YValue value or range. The offset represents a range, +/- the percentage of the element's YValue value or range.  
Public PropertyErrorPlusOffset Gets of sets the positive error offset. When set, a single SubValue is drawn above the element's value.  
Public PropertyErrorPlusPercent Gets or sets the positive error offset based on the specified percentage of the element's YValue value or range. When set, a single SubValue is drawn above the element's value. When ErrorMinusPercent is also set, a range SubValue is drawn between the two points.  
Public PropertyExplodeSlice Gets or sets a value indicating whether the pie slice represented by this element is exploded.  
Public PropertyForceMarker Gets or sets a value indicating whether this element's ElementMarker is drawn when the parent Series object's SeriesType omits the ElementMarker by default.  
Public PropertyHatchColor Gets or sets this element's HatchStyle color.  
Public PropertyHatchStyle Gets or sets this element's hatch style.  
Public PropertyHigh Gets or sets the financial high price of this element.  
Public PropertyHotspotGets or sets the Hotspot of this Element.  
Public PropertyInstanceID  
Public PropertyLabelTemplate Gets or sets this element's SmartLabel.Text property.  
Public PropertyLegendEntry Gets or sets this element's LegendEntry.  
Public PropertyLength Gets or sets a percent value representing this element's needle length.  
Public PropertyLow Gets or sets the financial low price of this element.  
Public PropertyMarker Gets or sets this element's Marker.  
Public PropertyName Gets or sets this element's name.  
Public PropertyOpen Gets or sets the financial open price of this element.  
Public PropertyPoint Gets the element's pixel coordinate on a chart image.  
Public PropertySecondaryColor Gets or sets this element's secondary color.  
Public PropertyShapeType Gets or sets the shape type of this element when the series type is SeriesType.BubbleShape.  
Public PropertyShowValue Gets or sets a value that indicates whether this element's SmartLabel is visible.  
Public PropertySmartLabel Gets or sets this element's SmartLabel.  
Public PropertySubValues Gets a collection of SubValue objects drawn on this Element.  
Public PropertyTakeColorFrom Gets or sets a Series or Element object from which this element's color will be inherited.  
Public PropertyToolTip Gets or sets this elements tool tip. (Shortcut to: Element.Hotspot.Tooltip)  
Public PropertyTransparency Gets or sets the element color's transparency.  
Public PropertyURLGets or sets the element's link URL. (Shortcut to: Element.Hotspot.URL)  
Public PropertyURLTarget Gets or sets the URL target of this element's link URL. (Shortcut to: Element.Hotspot.URLTarget)  
Public PropertyVolume Gets or sets the financial volume of this element.  
Public PropertyXAxisTick Gets or sets an AxisTick object that will placed on the x axis at the position of this element's x value. If the x axis is a category axis, AxisTick will not have any effect.  
Public PropertyXDateTimeGets or sets the X DateTime value of this element.  
Public PropertyXDateTimeStart Gets or sets the initial X DateTime value of this element.  
Public PropertyXValue Gets or sets the X value of this element.  
Public PropertyXValueStart Gets or sets the initial X value of this element.  
Public PropertyYAxisTick Gets or sets an AxisTick object that will placed on the y axis at the position of this element's y value. If the x axis is a category axis, AxisTick will not have any effect.  
Public PropertyYDateTime Gets or sets the Y DateTime value of this element.  
Public PropertyYDateTimeStart Gets or sets the initial Y DateTime value of this element.  
Public PropertyYValue Gets or sets the y value of this element.  
Public PropertyYValueStart Gets or sets the initial Y value of this element.  

Public Methods

Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)AddOverloaded.  Adds the values of two elements.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)DivideOverloaded.  Divides an element by another.  
Public MethodGetDataSource Gets a DataSource object representing this Element.  
Public MethodGetPolygon Gets the coordinates of the element after the chart is generated. This can be used to draw on top of the element by knowing its polygon coordinates.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)MultiplyOverloaded.  Multiplies two elements.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)SubtractOverloaded.  Subtracts an element from another.  

Public Operators

Public Operator Addition Overloaded.  Adds the values of two elements.
Public Operator Division Overloaded.  Divides an element by another.
Public Operator Multiplication Overloaded.  Multiplies two elements.
Public Operator Subtraction Overloaded.  Subtracts an element from another.

See Also