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LimitMode Property
See Also  Example
dotnetCHARTING Namespace > DataEngine Class : LimitMode Property

Determine the type of limitation. Default is Top.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Property LimitMode As LimitMode
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim instance As DataEngine
Dim value As LimitMode
instance.LimitMode = value
value = instance.LimitMode
public LimitMode LimitMode {get; set;}


C#Copy Code
de.LimitMode =<see cref="LimitMode">LimitMode</see>.Bottom; 
Visual BasicCopy Code
de.LimitMode =<see cref="LimitMode">LimitMode</see>.Bottom


This property works in conjunction with Limit or SplitByLimit to determine which elements or series should be included or excluded.

See Also