Text label strings allow tokens prefixed with a percentage sign to be replaced by actual data when the chart is rendered. This is particularly useful for item level properties such as Label Template, URL and ToolTip where you can mix your own text with tokens. If you wish to have template values rendered on multiple lines you can use \r where you wish a new line to begin.
Manually Evaluate Tokens
Through the use of DataSource objects tokens can be evaluated in code while working with a chart as described in the DataSource tutorial.
Embedding Token Formatting
Format strings may be included in templates using the following syntax:
Characters such as">" can not be used in the format string.
Example: <%Value,Currency>
Unrecognized template tokens will be replaced with "?". If you see a question mark included, check the spelling of your token.
Bypass Token Processing
An escape character is available to bypass token processing. Using the forward slash '\' before a token will stop the token from being processed. For example, using '\%Name' will result the string '%Name'.
Describes an Element object. These tokens are generally used by element legend entries, element labels and in annotations.
Values | |
Token | Description |
%Value = %Yvalue | The y value of this element. Depending on the type of data being used, this will be either numeric: Element.YValue or time: Element.YDateTime. |
%Xvalue | The x value of this element. Depending on the type of data being used, this will be either numeric: Element.XValue or time: Element.XDateTime. |
%YValueStart = %ValueStart | The starting y value of this element. Depending on the type of data being used, this will be either numeric: Element.YValueStart or time: Element.YDateTimeStart. |
%XValueStart | The starting x value of this element. Depending on the type of data being used, this will be either numeric: Element.XValueStart or time: Element.XDateTimeStart. |
%BubbleSize | The bubble size value of this element (Element.BubbleSize). |
%Complete | The complete value of this element (Element.Complete). This value is useful with Gantt charts. |
%Close | Financial close value (Element.Close). |
%Open | Financial open value (Element.Open). |
%High | Financial high value (Element.High). |
%Low | Financial low value (Element.Low). |
%Volume | Financial volume value (Element.Volume). |
%Length | The Element.Length value. |
%Height | The Element.Height value. |
%SubValueList | A comma delimited list of subvalues. |
Ranges | |
%YRange = %Range = (%YDays ,%Days if time based) | The range of this element (Element.YValue - Element.YValueStart). If the chart is time based the range will be the number of days between Element.YDateTime and Element.YDateTimeStart. |
%YMinutes = %Minutes | The number of minutes between Element.YDateTime and Element.YDateTimeStart if applicable. |
%YHours = %Hours | The number of hours between Element.YDateTime and Element.YDateTimeStart if applicable. |
Calculations | |
%PercentOfSeries = %YPercentOfSeries | The percentage of the series this element represents. ( Element.YValue ) |
%PercentOfTotal = %YPercentOfTotal | The percentage of all the series on the chart this element represents. ( Element.YValue ) |
%PercentOfGroup = %YPercentOfGroup | The percentage of all the elements with the same name this element represents. ( Element.YValue ) |
%XPercentOfSeries | The percentage of the series this element represents. ( Element.XValue ) |
%XPercentOfTotal | The percentage of all the series on the chart this element represents. ( Element.XValue ) |
%XPercentOfGroup | The percentage of all the elements with the same name this element represents. ( Element.XValue ) |
%BubbleSizePercentOfSeries | The percentage of the series this element represents. ( Element.BubbleSize ) |
%BubbleSizePercentOfTotal | The percentage of all the series on the chart this element represents. ( Element.BubbleSize ) |
%BubbleSizePercentOfGroup | The percentage of all the elements with the same name this element represents. ( Element.BubbleSize ) |
%CompletePercentOfSeries | The percentage of the series this element represents. ( Element.Complete ) |
%CompletePercentOfTotal | The percentage of all the series on the chart this element represents. ( Element.Complete ) |
%CompletePercentOfGroup | The percentage of all the elements with the same name this element represents. ( Element.Complete ) |
%PercentOfSeriesMax | The percentage of the series maximum Y value this element represents. (Element.YValue) |
%PercentOfMax | The percentage of the chart data's maximum Y value this element represents. (Element.YValue) |
%PercentOfGroupMax | The percentage of the element group's maximum Y value this element represents. (Element.YValue) |
Identification | |
%Name | The name of this element. |
%SeriesElementCount | The number of elements in this series. |
%SeriesName | The name of the series this element belongs to. |
%XAxisName | The name of the x axis this element is charted on. |
%YAxisName | The name of the y axis this element is charted on. |
%Color | The color used by the element. |
%ID | The Element.InstanceID value useful with organizational chart. |
%ParentID | The Element.InstanceParentID value useful with organizational chart. |
Describes a Series object. Generally used by legend entries.
Sums/Values | |
Token | Description |
%Sum = %Ysum = %Yvalue = %Value | The sum of all the element's y values. (Element.YValue). If the chart is time based this token is the same as %YDays. |
%Xsum = %XValue | The sum of all the element's x values. (Element.XValue). If the chart is time based this token is the same as %XDays. |
%BubbleSize = %BubbleSizeSum | The sum of all the element's bubble sizes. (Element.BubbleSize) |
%LastYValue | The y value of the last element in the series. |
%YValueList | A comma delimited list of element y values. |
Ranges | |
%Range = %YRange (= %Days & =%YDays if applicable) | The sum of all the element's ranges. (Element.YValue - Element.YValueStart). If the chart is time based this token represents the sum of days between each element's Element.YDateTime and Element.YDateTimeStart values. |
%YMinutes = %Minutes | If the chart is time based this token represents the sum of minutes between each element's Element.YDateTime and Element.YDateTimeStart values. |
%YHours = %Hours | If the chart is time based this token represents the sum of hours between each element's Element.YDateTime and Element.YDateTimeStart values. |
%XMinutes | If the chart is time based this token represents the sum of minutes between each element's Element.XDateTime and Element.XDateTimeStart values. |
%XHours | If the chart is time based this token represents the sum of hours between each element's Element.XDateTime and Element.XDateTimeStart values. |
%XDays | If the chart is time based this token represents the sum of days between each element's Element.XDateTime and Element.XDateTimeStart values. |
%YSpanDays = %SpanDays = %YSpan = %Span | If the chart is time based this token represents the range of days between the element's highest Element.YDateTime and lowest Element.YDateTimeStart value. |
%YSpanMinutes = %SpanMinutes | If the chart is time based this token represents the range of minutes between the element's highest Element.YDateTime and lowest Element.YDateTimeStart value. |
%YSpanHours = %SpanHours | If the chart is time based this token represents the range of hours between the element's highest Element.YDateTime and lowest Element.YDateTimeStart value. |
%XSpanDays | If the chart is time based this token represents the range of days between the element's highest Element.XDateTime and lowest Element.XDateTimeStart value. |
%XSpanHours | If the chart is time based this token represents the range of hours between the element's highest Element.XDateTime and lowest Element.XDateTimeStart value. |
%XSpanMinutes | If the chart is time based this token represents the range of minutes between the element's highest Element.XDateTime and lowest Element.XDateTimeStart value. |
Calculations | |
%High = %YHigh | The highest y value of all the elements within this series. (Element.YValue) |
%XHigh | The highest x value of all the elements within this series. (Element.XValue) |
%Low = %YLow | The lowest y value of all the elements within this series. (Element.YValue) |
%XLow | The lowest x value of all the elements within this series. (Element.XValue) |
%BubbleHigh | The highest bubble size value of all the elements within this series. (Element.BubbleSize) |
%BubbleLow | The lowest bubble size value of all the elements within this series. (Element.BubbleSize) |
%CompleteHigh | The highest complete value of all the elements within this series. (Element.Complete) |
%CompleteLow | The lowest complete value of all the elements within this series. (Element.Complete) |
%CloseHigh | The highest financial close value of all the elements within this series. (Element.Close) |
%CloseLow | The lowest financial close value of all the elements within this series. (Element.Close) |
%Average = %Yaverage = %Mean = %YMean | The average y value of all the elements within this series. (Element.YValue) |
%Xaverage = %XMean | The average x value of all the elements within this series. (Element.XValue) |
%BubbleSizeAverage = %BubbleSizeMean | The average bubble size value of all the elements within this series. (Element.BubbleSize) |
%CompleteAverage = %CompleteMean | The average complete value of all the elements within this series. (Element.Complete) |
%CloseAverage = %CloseMean | The average financial close value of all the elements within this series. (Element.Close) |
%Median = %YMedian | The median y value of all the elements within this series. (Element.YValue) |
%XMedian | The median x value of all the elements within this series. (Element.XValue) |
%BubbleSizeMedian | The median bubble size value of all the elements within this series. (Element.BubbleSize) |
%CompleteMedian | The median complete value of all the elements within this series. (Element.Complete) |
%CloseMedian | The median financial close value of all the elements within this series. (Element.Close) |
%Mode = %YMode | The mode y value of all the elements within this series. (Element.YValue) |
%XMode | The mode x value of all the elements within this series. (Element.XValue) |
%BubbleSizeMode | The mode bubble size value of all the elements within this series. (Element.BubbleSize) |
%CompleteMode | The mode complete value of all the elements within this series. (Element.Complete) |
%CloseMode | The mode financial close value of all the elements within this series. (Element.Close) |
%PercentageChange = %PercentageYChange |
The percentage change the Y value between the first and last element. |
Identification | |
%Name | The name of this series. |
%ElementCount | The number of elements in this series. |
%YAxisName | The name of the y axis this series is charted on. |
%XAxisName | The name of the x axis this series is charted on. |
%Color | The series default element color. |
Describes a SeriesCollection object. Generally used in title box labels and chart area labels.
Sums/Values | |
Token | Description |
%Sum = %Ysum = %Yvalue = %Value | The sum of all the element's y values. (Element.YValue). If the chart is time based this token is the same as %YDays. |
%Xsum = %XValue | The sum of all the element's x values. (Element.XValue). If the chart is time based this token is the same as %XDays. |
%BubbleSize = %BubbleSizeSum | The sum of all the element's bubble sizes. (Element.BubbleSize) |
%YSeriesSumList | A comma delimited list of of each series y value sum. |
%YGroupSumList | A comma delimited list of y value sums for each element group. |
%ColorList | A comma delimited list of colors used by the series in the collection. |
Ranges | |
%Range = %YRange (= %Days & =%YDays if applicable) | The sum of all the element's ranges. (Element.YValue - Element.YValueStart). If the chart is time based this token represents the sum of days between each element's Element.YDateTime and Element.YDateTimeStart values. |
%YMinutes = %Minutes | If the chart is time based this token represents the sum of minutes between each element's Element.YDateTime and Element.YDateTimeStart values. |
%YHours = %Hours | If the chart is time based this token represents the sum of hours between each element's Element.YDateTime and Element.YDateTimeStart values. |
%XMinutes | If the chart is time based this token represents the sum of minutes between each element's Element.XDateTime and Element.XDateTimeStart values. |
%XHours | If the chart is time based this token represents the sum of hours between each element's Element.XDateTime and Element.XDateTimeStart values. |
%XDays | If the chart is time based this token represents the sum of days between each element's Element.XDateTime and Element.XDateTimeStart values. |
%YSpanDays = %SpanDays = %YSpan = %Span | If the chart is time based this token represents the range of days between the element's highest Element.YDateTime and lowest Element.YDateTimeStart value. |
%YSpanMinutes = %SpanMinutes | If the chart is time based this token represents the range of minutes between the element's highest Element.YDateTime and lowest Element.YDateTimeStart value. |
%YSpanHours = %SpanHours | If the chart is time based this token represents the range of hours between the element's highest Element.YDateTime and lowest Element.YDateTimeStart value. |
%XSpanDays | If the chart is time based this token represents the range of days between the element's highest Element.XDateTime and lowest Element.XDateTimeStart value. |
%XSpanHours | If the chart is time based this token represents the range of hours between the element's highest Element.XDateTime and lowest Element.XDateTimeStart value. |
%XSpanMinutes | If the chart is time based this token represents the range of minutes between the element's highest Element.XDateTime and lowest Element.XDateTimeStart value. |
Calculations | |
%High = %YHigh | The highest y value of all the elements within this series. (Element.YValue) |
%XHigh | The highest x value of all the elements within this series. (Element.XValue) |
%Low = %YLow | The lowest y value of all the elements within this series. (Element.YValue) |
%XLow | The lowest x value of all the elements within this series. (Element.XValue) |
%BubbleHigh | The highest bubble size value of all the elements within this series. (Element.BubbleSize) |
%BubbleLow | The lowest bubble size value of all the elements within this series. (Element.BubbleSize) |
%CompleteHigh | The highest complete value of all the elements within this series. (Element.Complete) |
%CompleteLow | The lowest complete value of all the elements within this series. (Element.Complete) |
%CloseHigh | The highest financial close value of all the elements within this series. (Element.Close) |
%CloseLow | The lowest financial close value of all the elements within this series. (Element.Close) |
%Average = %Yaverage = %Mean = %YMean | The average y value of all the elements within this series. (Element.YValue) |
%Xaverage = %XMean | The average x value of all the elements within this series. (Element.XValue) |
%BubbleSizeAverage = %BubbleSizeMean | The average bubble size value of all the elements within this series. (Element.BubbleSize) |
%CompleteAverage = %CompleteMean | The average complete value of all the elements within this series. (Element.Complete) |
%CloseAverage = %CloseMean | The average financial close value of all the elements within this series. (Element.Close) |
%Median = %YMedian | The median y value of all the elements within this series. (Element.YValue) |
%XMedian | The median x value of all the elements within this series. (Element.XValue) |
%BubbleSizeMedian | The median bubble size value of all the elements within this series. (Element.BubbleSize) |
%CompleteMedian | The median complete value of all the elements within this series. (Element.Complete) |
%CloseMedian | The median financial close value of all the elements within this series. (Element.Close) |
%Mode = %YMode | The mode y value of all the elements within this series. (Element.YValue) |
%XMode | The mode x value of all the elements within this series. (Element.XValue) |
%BubbleSizeMode | The mode bubble size value of all the elements within this series. (Element.BubbleSize) |
%CompleteMode | The mode complete value of all the elements within this series. (Element.Complete) |
%CloseMode | The mode financial close value of all the elements within this series. (Element.Close) |
%MaxValueElementName %MaxYValueElementName |
Name of the element with the highest y value (Element.YValue). |
%MinValueElementName %MinYValueElementName |
Name of the element with the lowest y value (Element.YValue). |
%MaxValueElementSeriesName |
Name of the series that contains the element with the highest y value (Element.YValue). |
%MaxValueElementSeriesName |
Name of the series that contains the element with the lowest y value (Element.YValue). |
%MaxValueSeriesName |
Name of the series that contains the highest sum of it's element y values. |
%MinValueSeriesName |
Name of the series that contains the lowest sum of it's element y values. |
Describes an Element group. Generally used by axis ticks to describe the group they represent.
Calculations | |
Token | Description |
%PercentOfTotal = %YPercentOfTotal | The percent of all the data on the chart this element group represents. (Element.YValue) |
%CompletePercentOfTotal | The percent of all the data on the chart this element group represents. (Element.Complete) |
%Sum = %YSum = %Yvalue = %Value | The sum of all the elements within this element group. (Element.YValue) |
%Average = %Yaverage = %Mean = %YMean | The average of all the elements within this element group. (Element.YValue) |
%Median = %YMedian | The median of all the elements within this element group. (Element.YValue) |
%Mode = %Ymode | The mode of all the elements within this element group. (Element.YValue) |
%CompleteAverage = %CompleteMean | The average of all the elements within this element group. (Element.Complete) |
%CompleteMedian | The median of all the elements within this element group. (Element.Complete) |
%CompleteMode | The mode of all the elements within this element group. (Element.Complete) |
Ranges | |
%YRange = %Range = (%YDays ,%Days if applicable) | The sum of all the ranges of elements within this group. (Element.YValue - Element.YValueStart) If this chart is time based the token will represent the sum of days between each element's Element.YDateTime and Element.YDateTimeStart values. |
%YMinutes = %Minutes | If this chart is time based this token will represent the sum of minutes between each element's Element.YDateTime and Element.YDateTimeStart values. |
%YHours = %Hours | If this chart is time based this token will represent the sum of hours between each element's Element.YDateTime and Element.YDateTimeStart values. |
%Span = %SpanDays | If the chart is time based this token represents the range of days between the element's highest Element.YDateTime and lowest Element.YDateTimeStart value. |
%SpanMinutes | If the chart is time based this token represents the range of minutes between the element's highest Element.YDateTime and lowest Element.YDateTimeStart value. |
%SpanHours | If the chart is time based this token represents the range of hours between the element's highest Element.YDateTime and lowest Element.YDateTimeStart value. |
Identification | |
%Name | The name of the elements in this group. |
Describes an AxisMarker object. Generally used by the axis marker label and it's legend entry.
Values | |
Token | Description |
%Low | The low value of this axis marker |
%High | The high value of this axis marker. |
%Range | The range of this marker. |
%Minutes | If the marker is a time range this token will represent the minutes between the high and low time values. |
%Hours | If the marker is a time range this token will represent the hours between the high and low time values. |
%Days | If the marker is a time range this token will represent the days between the high and low time values. |
Identification | |
%Name | The name of this axis marker. |
Describes a ScaleRange object. These tokens can be used with Axis.Label to describe the axis range.
Values | |
Token | Description |
%Low | The low value of this axis marker |
%High | The high value of this axis marker. |
%Range | The range of this marker. |
%Minutes | If the marker is a time range this token will represent the minutes between the high and low time values. |
%Hours | If the marker is a time range this token will represent the hours between the high and low time values. |
%Days | If the marker is a time range this token will represent the days between the high and low time values. |
%ValueName | If the scale range refers to a category scale numeric values refer to the index of each category. This token evaluates to category name whereas the Low/High tokens are numeric. |
Axis ticks use different tokens depending on the situation.
- If the axis tick comes from an element (Element.X/YAxisTick) then use Element Tokens.
- If the axis tick is part of a category axis it use either Element Group or Series Tokens.
- If the axis tick is part of a value axis use the token '%Value' and if it's a range tick, ScaleRange Tokens apply.
- If the axis tick is part of an axis marker, use ScaleRange Tokens.
![]() |
The chart area tokens are only supported by the Navigator. They are evaluated in real-time based on the mouse cursor position over the chart area. |
Values | |
Token | Description |
%Yvalue | The value of the Y axis at the current mouse position. |
%Xvalue | The value of the X axis at the current mouse position. |

Shapefile shapes store attributes which are determined by the source shapefile. These attributes can be used as tokens in any labels related to shapes.
Syntax: %[AttributeName]
See also: Chart Labels