.netCHARTING v7.0 Documentation Send comments on this topic.
Adding .netCHARTING to the VS Toolbox
Getting Started > Installation & Usage > Adding .netCHARTING to the VS Toolbox

Glossary Item Box


This document describes how to add the .netCHARTING control to various versions of Visual Studio toolbox.

Visual Studio 2002 & 2003:

If the error "The format of the file 'dotnetcharting' is invalid." occurs. This means the dll being added is a .net 2.0 assembly. To resolve this issue, the .net 1.x version of the bundle must be downloaded and used instead.


Visual Studio 2005, 2008 & Express editions.

  • Right-Click on the toolbox > Choose Items
  • Select the .net Framework Components tab
  • If the server version is installed, the component will be listed in this tab. Otherwise, click browse and select the .netCHARTING dll.
  • Click Ok to finish.


    Web Matrix

    • Select "Custom Controls" tab of the toolbox.
    • Right-Click on the custom controls tab and select "Add Local Toolbox Components..."
    • Click "Browse..."
    • Navigate to the location of the dotnetcharting.dll file, select it and click ok.
    • Finally click ok at the "Select Components" popup.
    • When the "Install to GAC" popup appears, click no.


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