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GetElementBreadcrumbs(Int32,String,String) Method
See Also 
dotnetCHARTING Namespace > Series Class > GetElementBreadcrumbs Method : GetElementBreadcrumbs(Int32,String,String) Method

ID of the end node of the organizational chain.
Template used for each element from the root to the element with with specified ID.
Separator inserted into the resulting string between each element.
Constructs a string using the template and separator for each element from the main root to the specified element in the organizational chain. Element tokens are processed in the specified template for each element which can be used to construct breadcrumb links to enable organizational drilldown navigation.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Overloads Function GetElementBreadcrumbs( _
   ByVal parentID As Integer, _
   ByVal elementTemplate As String, _
   ByVal separator As String _
) As String
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim instance As Series
Dim parentID As Integer
Dim elementTemplate As String
Dim separator As String
Dim value As String
value = instance.GetElementBreadcrumbs(parentID, elementTemplate, separator)
public string GetElementBreadcrumbs( 
   int parentID,
   string elementTemplate,
   string separator


ID of the end node of the organizational chain.
Template used for each element from the root to the element with with specified ID.
Separator inserted into the resulting string between each element.

See Also

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