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CrossingSignal(SeriesCollection,Int32,Int32,Int32) Method
See Also 
dotnetCHARTING Namespace > FinancialEngine Class > CrossingSignal Method : CrossingSignal(SeriesCollection,Int32,Int32,Int32) Method

A collection of series objects. For example, to evaluate this indicator for two series you will need to pass a series collection containing this two series.
An integer which represents the number of periods used over which the closing price is compared.
Determines the methods used for the evaluation of the moving average in accordance with the following key:
  1. 1 = Simple moving average
  2. 2 = Geometric moving average
  3. 3 = Linearly weighted moving average
  4. 4 = Exponentially Weighted Moving average within smoothing fact set to be 0.5.
The number of periods over which the moving average is considered.
Implements a general framework for producing trading signals based on the crossing of two Stochastics.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Overloads Shared Function CrossingSignal( _
   ByVal sc As SeriesCollection, _
   ByVal noOfPeriods As Integer, _
   ByVal method As Integer, _
   ByVal lengthOfMA As Integer _
) As SeriesCollection
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim sc As SeriesCollection
Dim noOfPeriods As Integer
Dim method As Integer
Dim lengthOfMA As Integer
Dim value As SeriesCollection
value = FinancialEngine.CrossingSignal(sc, noOfPeriods, method, lengthOfMA)
public static SeriesCollection CrossingSignal( 
   SeriesCollection sc,
   int noOfPeriods,
   int method,
   int lengthOfMA


A collection of series objects. For example, to evaluate this indicator for two series you will need to pass a series collection containing this two series.
An integer which represents the number of periods used over which the closing price is compared.
Determines the methods used for the evaluation of the moving average in accordance with the following key:
  1. 1 = Simple moving average
  2. 2 = Geometric moving average
  3. 3 = Linearly weighted moving average
  4. 4 = Exponentially Weighted Moving average within smoothing fact set to be 0.5.
The number of periods over which the moving average is considered.

Return Value

-1, 0, 1 - this method returns either -1, 0, 1 to indicate that either a sell, no action or buy signal was generated.



Buy when the Stochastic K, crosses above the MA D and sell when the Stochastic K falls below the MA of Stochastic D. Since this approach is prone to being whip-sawed we use two (general) Stochastics so that a MA of the %K Stochastic of the first Stochastic and an even more smoothed second Stochastic. In this case a sell signal is generated if the first (more sensitive) Stochastic cross below the second (smoothed) Stochastic, and a buy signal is generated if the first Stochastic crosses above the second Stochastic.

See Also

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