.netCHARTING v5.3 Documentation Send comments on this topic.
Analysis Engine
See Also
Getting Started > Data Tutorials > Analysis Engine

Glossary Item Box


The .netCHARTING analysis engine provides many statistical calculations and financial indicators allowing quick and accurate analysis of your data.


Getting Data

The first step is to get a series of data to analyze. Please see the following tutorials as a reference on data acquisition.

The features discussed in this section require that series objects are populated with elements. This does not happen automatically if the DataEngine is not used. Please see this kb for more information.


Calculated series and financial indicators often use multiple chart areas. For more info, see:


Analysis Engine

Three classes provide the methods used for analysis.


The following code snippet demonstrates calculating the mean of a series collection. 


SeriesCollection mySeries = ...; // Original seriesCollection
Series resultSeries = StatisticalEngine.Mean(mySeries);



[Visual Basic]

Dim mySeries As SeriesCollection = ...(seriesCollection)... ' Original seriesCollection
Series resultSeries = StatisticalEngine.Mean(mySeries)


Many samples are available under the Features / Analysis Engine section that demonstrate this functionality.



The forecast engine contains a set of simple methods to perform common forecasting operations. However, the class also contains an advanced set of methods for users familiar with the mathematical formulas.



Both analysis classes contain a static Options class that provides additional options for use with the analysis engine.

The following sample demonstrates using the statistical engine's indicator options.


SeriesCollection mySeries = ...; // Original seriesCollection


StatisticalEngine.Options.PopulateSubValues = true;
Element resultElement = StatisticalEngine.Mean(mySeries);



[Visual Basic]

Dim mySeries As SeriesCollection ... // Original series


StatisticalEngine.IndicatorOptions.PopulateSubValues = True
Element resultElement = StatisticalEngine.Mean(mySeries)




See Also

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