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ImageZoomer Class Members
See Also  Properties  Events
dotnetCHARTING.Zoomer Namespace : ImageZoomer Class

The following tables list the members exposed by ImageZoomer.

Public Properties

Public PropertyAjaxHandlerEnabled Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the charts handle all ajax calls. If this boolean is true, a dedicated handler (ashx) page is used instead of the calling page.  
Public PropertyAxisToZoom Gets or sets a value that indicates the zooming direction. Options include Both (can select any arbitrary bounding box to zoom to), XAxis (select a specific x axis region only, y axis is fixed to the maximum extent) , YAxis (select a specific y axis region only, x axis is fixed to the maximum extent)  
Public PropertyDragAfterZoom Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the default operation after zooming is reset to drag. This allows the user to to drag or navigate the newly zoomed view before zooming again.  
Public PropertyEnabled Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the Ajax zooming interface is activated.  
Public PropertyHelpButtonPosition Controls the position of the ? icon on the chart when there is no scroll bar.  
Public PropertyHelpEnabled Gets or sets a value that determines if the help button is enabled. This button displays in between the scroll bars and pops up a window showing the help text when pressed.  
Public PropertyHelpText Gets or sets a string that overrides the default help text which displays when hitting the help icon.  
Public PropertyLanguageStrings Gets or sets a language file name that overrides the default en.xml file.  
Public PropertyPreloadedSections Gets or sets a value that determines the number of sections (rows / columns) outside of the viewing portal to render in advance. This can provide a better experience for the user at the cost of performance and bandwidth (loading images that may never be viewed).  
Public PropertyReloadPeriod Gets or sets the update interval for the chart in seconds. If data is changing on the server side this interval will refresh the chart image seamlessly based on this time period.  
Public PropertyScrollType Gets or sets a value that determines the scrolling type with options including drag (click / drag), scroll (using scroll bars / arrows) or both.  
Public PropertySelectionStyle Determines the visual style when selecting a zoomed region. Options include box and cross hair. Box is more aesthetically pleasing and allows for rough selections. Cross hair is more accurate and shows the cross hair lines extending ot the axis to select a more accurate region for the zoom.  
Public PropertyToolTipDelay Gets or sets a value that determines the amount time in seconds before the tooltip displays (if a tooltip exists for the area hovered over).  
Public PropertyUseSections Gets or sets a value that determines if the chart image is rendered as a single image or in sections.  

Public Events

Public EventReloadChartOccurs based on the value of ReloadPeriod.  

See Also

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