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DataSource Class Members
See Also  Properties  Methods 
dotnetCHARTING Namespace : DataSource Class

The following tables list the members exposed by DataSource.

Public Properties

Public PropertyAxis Gets or sets the represented axis.  
Public PropertyAxisMarker Gets or sets the represented AxisMarker.  
Public PropertyElement Gets or sets the represented element.  
Public PropertyGroupIndex Gets or sets the index of series for the element group.  
Public PropertyScaleRange Gets or sets the represented ScaleRange object.  
Public PropertySeries Gets or sets the represented or parent series.  
Public PropertySeriesCollection Gets or sets the represented or parent SeriesCollection.  
Public PropertySplitInto Specifies the type of DataSource to split this data source into when it is used to populate a legend box.  
Public PropertyType Gets or sets the DataSourceType of this DataSource.  

Public Methods

Public MethodEvaluateExpression Evaluates a string containing tokens that relate to this DataSource. For example, if this DataSource represents a series, the string "%Name" will return the actual name of the series. See the token reference for more information on available tokens.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)FromAxisMarkerCreates an AxisMarker DataSource object from an AxisMarker object.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)FromElementOverloaded. Creates a DataSource object from a SeriesColleciton, Series, and Element.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)FromElementGroupOverloaded. Creates a DataSource object from a SeriesColleciton, and Element index.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)FromScaleRangeCreates a DataSource object from an ScaleRange object.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)FromSeriesOverloaded. Creates a DataSource object from a SeriesColleciton, and Series.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)FromSeriesCollectionOverloaded. Creates a DataSource object from a SeriesColleciton.  

Public Operators

Public Operator Implicit Type Conversion Overloaded.  Creates a DataSource from the specified SeriesCollection.

See Also

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