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Chart Class Members
See Also  Properties  Methods  Events
dotnetCHARTING Namespace : Chart Class

The following tables list the members exposed by Chart.

Public Constructors

Public ConstructorChart Constructor Initializes a new empty instance of the Chart control.  

Public Properties

Public PropertyAccessKeyGets or sets the access key that allows you to quickly navigate to the Web server control. (Inherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl)
Public PropertyAlternateText Gets or sets text displayed in place of a chart when images can't be viewed. This property can also be used as a tooltip for the chart in browsers that support this feature.  
Public PropertyAnnotations A collection of Annotation objects drawn on the chart.  
Public PropertyAppRelativeTemplateSourceDirectoryGets or sets the application-relative virtual directory of the Page or UserControl object that contains this control. (Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control)
Public PropertyAttributesGets the collection of arbitrary attributes (for rendering only) that do not correspond to properties on the control. (Inherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl)
Public PropertyAutoNameLabels Gets or sets a value which indicates whether elements and series are automatically named when no names are provided.  
Public PropertyAxisCollection Contains a collection of calculated Axis objects.  
Public PropertyBackColorGets or sets the background color of the Web server control. (Inherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl)
Public PropertyBackground Gets or sets the Background of this chart.  
Public PropertyBindingContainerGets the control that contains this control's data binding. (Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control)
Public PropertyBorderColorGets or sets the border color of the Web control. (Inherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl)
Public PropertyBorderStyleGets or sets the border style of the Web server control. (Inherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl)
Public PropertyBorderWidthGets or sets the border width of the Web server control. (Inherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl)
Public PropertyBubbleCenterStack Gets or sets a boolean value to control bubble center stack.  
Public PropertyBubbleStackShadeAsOne Gets or sets a boolean value to control bubble stack shade.  
Public PropertyCacheDuration Gets or sets the number of minutes an image is cached and displayed on a page before a new one is generated.  
Public PropertyCalculateEmptyElement Gets or sets a value indicating whether the values of empty elements are percieved as 0 or omitted in calculations performed with the Chart.SeriesCollection.Add(Calculation calc) shortcut.  
Public PropertyChartArea Gets or sets the main ChartArea of the image.  
Public PropertyChartAreaLayoutGets or sets chart area layout options.  
Public PropertyChartAreaSpacing Gets or sets a value in pixels that defines the spacing between boxes like chart areas and legends.  
Public PropertyCleanupMinimumAge Gets or sets the minimum number of minutes images are stored in the TempDirectory before they are deleted.  
Public PropertyCleanupPeriod Gets or sets the number of minutes images are stored in the TempDirectory folder before they are deleted.  
Public PropertyClientIDGets the server control identifier generated by ASP.NET. (Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control)
Public PropertyClipGauges Gets or sets a value which determines if gauges should be clipped (cut) to display only the active area.  
Public PropertyControlsGets a ControlCollection object that represents the child controls for a specified server control in the UI hierarchy. (Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control)
Public PropertyControlStyleGets the style of the Web server control. This property is used primarily by control developers. (Inherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl)
Public PropertyControlStyleCreatedGets a value indicating whether a Style object has been created for the ControlStyle property. This property is primarily used by control developers. (Inherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl)
Public PropertyCssClassGets or sets the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) class rendered by the Web server control on the client. (Inherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl)
Public PropertyDatabaseCultureName Gets or sets the culture name used when StartDate and EndDate insert to the sql statement. This property only necessary to set if the web server and database server having different culture setting.  
Public PropertyDataGrid Gets or sets the control object or ID of a datagrid control that will be populated with the charted data.  
Public PropertyDataGridCustomAttributes  
Public PropertyDataGridFormatString Gets or sets the format string which determines number formatting in the datagrid.

Public PropertyDataGridSeriesHeader Gets or sets the header label of the DataGrid control specified by the DataGrid property.  
Public PropertyDataGridTranspose Gets or sets a value indicating whether the data with which the specified DataGrid control is populated will be transposed.  
Public PropertyDateGrouping Gets or sets a TimeInterval enumeration which determines how the values of a given series are aggregated by date when retrieved from a database.  
Public PropertyDateGroupingCalculation Gets or sets an enum which determines how values are grouped to create a single element value.  
Public PropertyDateGroupingSort Gets or sets a value indicating whether to maintain the sort order of the data as it is provided.  
Public PropertyDebug Gets or sets a value that indicates whether debug messages are displayed below the chart.  
Public PropertyDefaultAxis Gets or sets an Axis object whose properties will trickle down to all other axes on the chart unless otherwise specified.  
Public PropertyDefaultBox Gets a base box object that is used as a vehicle for property settings which will become the defaults settings of all elements on the chart that derive from box.  
Public PropertyDefaultChartArea Gets a ChartArea object whose property settings will propagate to all other ChartArea objects on the chart image.  
Public PropertyDefaultCultureName Gets or sets the default culture name which determines number and date formatting.  
Public PropertyDefaultElement Gets or sets an Element object whose properties will trickle to all other elements on the chart unless otherwise specified. This is a shortcut to the DefaultSeries.DefaultElement property.  
Public PropertyDefaultFormatString Gets or sets the default format string which determines number and date formatting.

See Chart.DefaultAxis.FormatString.  
Public PropertyDefaultLegendBox Gets a LegendBox object whose property settings will propagate to all other LegendBox objects on the chart image.  
Public PropertyDefaultSeries Gets or sets a Series object whose properties will trickle to all other series on the chart unless otherwise specified.  
Public PropertyDefaultShadow Gets or sets a shadow object whose properties will trickle to all other objects with shadows.  
Public PropertyDefaultTitleBox Gets a Box object whose property settings will propagate to all title boxes on the chart image.  
Public PropertyDepth Gets or sets depth of the chart when Use3D is true.  
Public PropertyDisableBrowserCache Gets or sets a value indicating whether disable browser cache.  
Public PropertyDonutHoleSize Gets or sets a percentage value which determines the relative thickness of the donut ring when ChartType.Donut is used.  
Public PropertyDpi Gets or sets the resolution, in dots per inch, of the chart Bitmap.  
Public PropertyDrillDownChainGets or sets the drill down chain which activates automatic time based drill down if date grouping used.

If Limit or SplitByLimit used with ShowOther option, setting drill down chain to "Other" or "OtherAll" activates automatic drill down to other elements or series.

"OtherAll" shows all other elements or series in the second level.
"Other" shows the next number of elements or series has been set in limit or splitByLimit propertes.  

Public PropertyDrillDownIntoSeries When using automated drill down in conjunction with date grouping and multiple series, this property determines if drill down will occur into a single series or multiple series.  
Public PropertyEmptyElementText Gets or sets the default text of empty element labels. See Chart.DefaultSeries.DefaultElement.SmartLabel  
Public PropertyEnabledGets or sets a value indicating whether the Web server control is enabled. (Inherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl)
Public PropertyEnableThemingGets or sets a value indicating whether themes apply to this control. (Inherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl)
Public PropertyEnableViewStateGets or sets a value indicating whether the server control persists its view state, and the view state of any child controls it contains, to the requesting client. (Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control)
Public PropertyExplodedSliceAmount Gets or sets the relative percentage an exploded slice should be pulled out from the pie or donut.  
Public PropertyExtraChartAreas Gets a collection of additional ChartArea objects added to the chart.  
Public PropertyExtraLegendBoxes Gets a collection of additional LegendBox objects added to the chart.  
Public PropertyFileManager Gets or sets the chart's instance of the FileManager which facilitates saving images.  
Public PropertyFileName See Chart.FileManager.FileName.  
Public PropertyFileQuality Gets or sets Jpg file quality. (Worse quality) 0 - 100 (Best quality)  
Public PropertyFontGets the font properties associated with the Web server control. (Inherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl)
Public PropertyForeColorGets or sets the foreground color (typically the color of the text) of the Web server control. (Inherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl)
Public PropertyFunnelNozzlePercentage Gets or sets a numeric value between 0 and 100 that indicates the percentage of the full funnel height that comprises the funnel's nozzle.  
Public PropertyFunnelNozzleWidthPercentage Gets or sets a numeric value between 0 and 100 that indicates the percentage of the full funnel width that comprises the funnel's nozzle.  
Public PropertyFunnelSpacingPercentage Gets or sets a numeric value between 0 and 100 that indicates the percentage of the funnel's spacing.  
Public PropertyGanttCompleteHatchStyle Gets or sets the hatch style drawn on columns and cylinders when an element's Element.Complete value is set.  
Public PropertyHasAttributesGets a value indicating whether the control has attributes set. (Inherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl)
Public PropertyHatchStylePalette Gets or sets a hatch style palette that will trickle to all series on the chart. The hatch patterns will not show on chart elements if a hatch color is not specified. The default hatch color can be specified with the Chart.DefaultSeries.DefaultElement.HatchColor property.  
Public PropertyHatchStylePaletteName Gets or sets a predefined HatchStylePalette that defines element and series hatch style.  
Public PropertyHeightOverridden.  Gets or sets the height of the chart image.  
Public PropertyHotspot Gets or sets the Hotspot property of the chart image.  
Public PropertyHotspotMinimumSizeGets or sets a value that indicates the minimum size in pixels a hotspot must be in order for it to be generated.  
Public PropertyIDGets or sets the programmatic identifier assigned to the server control. (Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control)
Public PropertyImageFormat Gets or sets an ImageFormat enumeration specifying the generated image's file type.  
Public PropertyImageMapName Returns a string for the image map name generated for the current chart image.  
Public PropertyImageMapText Returns a string for the image map generated for the current chart image.  
Public PropertyLabelChart Gets or sets the label that fills the chart image when used.  
Public PropertyLegendBoxGets or sets a LegendBox object that represents the legend box.  
Public PropertyLimitPrimarySeries In a multiple series chart, this property controls the primary series used for the Limit operation. Other series' elements will be matched with the primary series elements and that order will be maintained regardless of the values of the other series. For example, if you limit to the top 5 values and set the LimitPrimarySeries to the sales series other series such as dollar amount or quantity would not affect which elements were ultimately selected for the chart.  
Public PropertyMapping This property is used only when using a map chart: (Chart.Type = ChartType.Map).  
Public PropertyMargin Gets or sets a string which automatically sets multiple margins as a shortcut.  
Public PropertyMarginBottom Gets or sets the bottom margin of the chart image.  
Public PropertyMarginLeft Gets or sets the left margin of the chart image.  
Public PropertyMarginRight Gets or sets the right margin of the chart image.  
Public PropertyMarginTop Gets or sets the top margin of the chart image.  
Public PropertyMaximumBubbleSize Gets or sets a value which controls the maximum size of bubbles when ChartType.Bubble is used.  
Public PropertyMaximumBubbleSizeValue Gets or sets the maximum value the bubble size will be based on where a bubble size value of MaximumBubbleSizeValue equals a bubble of size MaximumBubbleSize.  
Public PropertyMentor Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the mentor is shown under the chart control. The mentor also requires that Chart.Debug is set to true.  
Public PropertyNamingContainerGets a reference to the server control's naming container, which creates a unique namespace for differentiating between server controls with the same ID property value. (Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control)
Public PropertyNoDataLabel Gets or sets a label shown on the chart when no data is available.  
Public PropertyOverlapFooter Gets or sets a value indicating whether the 'unlicensed chart' footer overlaps the chart or moves it up.  
Public PropertyPageGets a reference to the Page instance that contains the server control. (Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control)
Public PropertyPalette Gets or sets an array of colors that define element and series colors.  
Public PropertyPaletteName Gets or sets a predefined Palette that defines element and series colors.  
Public PropertyParentGets a reference to the server control's parent control in the page control hierarchy. (Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control)
Public PropertyPieLabelMode See DefaultSeries.DefaultElement.SmartLabel.PieLabelMode.  
Public PropertyPopulateDateGroupingSubValues When using date grouping the main value in the element is derived from the actual values in the database or data provided to .netCHARTING. This property controls whether these subvalues used in the calculation to determine the element value are added to SubValues or not. By default, such values are not added to the element subvalues.  
Public PropertyPrinterOptimizedText Gets or sets a value that indicates whether text rendered on the chart optimized for printing.  
Public PropertyRadarLabelMode See DefaultSeries.DefaultElement.SmartLabel.RadarLabelMode.  
Public PropertyReloadPeriod Gets or sets a TimeSpan object that determines how often the page containing this chart will automatically reload.  
Public PropertySeries Gets or sets a series which is added to the chart's main SeriesCollection when the Chart.SeriesCollection.Add() method is invoked.  
Public PropertySeriesCollection Gets a SeriesCollection object which represents the data this chart will render.  
Public PropertyShadingEffectMode Gets or sets a ShadingEffectMode enumeration indicating how elements on the chart are shaded.  
Public PropertyShowDateInTitle Gets or sets a value which indicates whether specified dates are shown in the title. The formatting of the shown dates can be controlled with Chart.DefaultCultureName.  
Public PropertySiteGets information about the container that hosts the current control when rendered on a design surface. (Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control)
Public PropertySize Sets a string that automatically sets the Height and Width of the chart image.  
Public PropertySkinIDGets or sets the skin to apply to the control. (Inherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl)
Public PropertySmallChartMode  
Public PropertySmartForecast Gets or sets a TimeIntervalAdvanced object that specifies a time span shown on the chart. The span shown is an interval which encompasses the time the chart is rendered. A trend line is also added for the entire span shown and uses values not shown in it's calculation to improve accuracy.  
Public PropertySmartPalette Gets or sets a NameColorCollection object that specifies the colors of elements and series with specific names.  
Public PropertySmartPaletteAutoSync Gets or sets a boolean which controls smart palette synchronization.  
Public PropertySpacingPercentage Gets or sets the spacing percentage of pyramids, cones, and funnels with ChartType.Multiple .  
Public PropertySpacingPercentageNestedGets or sets a value that indicates the spacing percentage of nested pies.  
Public PropertyStartDateOfYear Gets or sets a DateTime object to determine the start month of the year when DateGrouping is used.  
Public PropertyStartDayOfWeek Gets or sets a DayOfWeek enumeration that indicates the starting day of the week when DateGrouping is used.  
Public PropertyStyleGets a collection of text attributes that will be rendered as a style attribute on the outer tag of the Web server control. (Inherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl)
Public PropertyTabIndexGets or sets the tab index of the Web server control. (Inherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl)
Public PropertyTempDirectory Gets or sets the directory where images generated by the control are temporarily stored.  
Public PropertyTemplateControlGets or sets a reference to the template that contains this control. (Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control)
Public PropertyTemplateSourceDirectoryGets the virtual directory of the Page or UserControl that contains the current server control. (Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control)
Public PropertyTitle Gets or sets the chart title.

Equivalent to Chart.TitleBox.Label.Text.  
Public PropertyTitleBox Gets or sets a Box object that represents the title box.  
Public PropertyToolTipOverridden.  Gets or sets the Tooltip of the entinre chart image.  
Public PropertyTotalSeries Return the total number of series in the seriesCollection. This property usually used in conjunction with SplitByLimit.  
Public PropertyTranspose Gets or sets a value indicating whether data added to this chart's SeriesCollection property is automatically transposed.  
Public PropertyType Gets or sets the ChartType of this Chart.  
Public PropertyUniqueIDGets the unique, hierarchically qualified identifier for the server control. (Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control)
Public PropertyURL Gets or sets the URL of the entinre chart image.  
Public PropertyURLTarget Gets or sets the target of the URL link.  
Public PropertyUse3D Gets or sets a value indicating whether chart elements are rendered in 3D.  
Public PropertyUseFile Gets or sets a value indicating whether the generated image is saved as a file in the TempDirectory folder or streamed directly to the browser.  
Public PropertyUseSessionGets or sets a value indicating whether the generated image is saved
temporarily in a session variable for subsequent streaming from a helper aspx page. This option may only be used when UseFile = false.  
Public PropertyVisibleGets or sets a value that indicates whether a server control is rendered as UI on the page. (Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control)
Public PropertyWidthOverridden.  Gets or sets the width of the chart image.  
Public PropertyXAxisGets or Sets the main XAxis which all series inherit by default.  
Public PropertyYAxisGets or Sets the main YAxis which all series inherit by default.  
Public PropertyZoomer Provides AJAX zooming and scrolling feature settings.  

Public Methods

Public MethodApplyStyleCopies any nonblank elements of the specified style to the Web control, overwriting any existing style elements of the control. This method is primarily used by control developers. (Inherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl)
Public MethodApplyStyleSheetSkinApplies the style properties defined in the page style sheet to the control. (Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control)
Public MethodCopyBaseAttributesCopies the properties not encapsulated by the Style object from the specified Web server control to the Web server control that this method is called from. This method is used primarily by control developers. (Inherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl)
Public MethodDataBindBinds a data source to the invoked server control and all its child controls. (Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control)
Public MethodDisposeEnables a server control to perform final clean up before it is released from memory. (Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control)
Public MethodFindControlSearches the current naming container for a server control with the specified id parameter. (Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control)
Public MethodFocusSets input focus to a control. (Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control)
Public MethodGetChartBitmap Obtains a Bitmap of the generated chart.  
Public MethodGetChartMetafile Returns the metafile contains records that describe a sequence of graphics operations that can be recorded (constructed) and played back (displayed).  
Public MethodGetChartStream Returns the memory stream of the image.  
Public MethodGetLegendBitmap Obtains a Bitmap of the legend generated by the chart.  
Public MethodHasControlsDetermines if the server control contains any child controls. (Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control)
Public MethodHitTest  
Public MethodLoadStateOverloaded.  Imports a chart object from the specified xml file.  
Public MethodMergeStyleCopies any nonblank elements of the specified style to the Web control, but will not overwrite any existing style elements of the control. This method is used primarily by control developers. (Inherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl)
Public MethodPaletteAddOverloaded.  Adds the colors of a predefined palette to the existing palette colors stored in Palette.  
Public MethodRenderBeginTagRenders the HTML opening tag of the control to the specified writer. This method is used primarily by control developers. (Inherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl)
Public MethodRenderControlOutputs server control content to a provided HtmlTextWriter object and stores tracing information about the control if tracing is enabled. (Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control)
Public MethodRenderEndTagRenders the HTML closing tag of the control into the specified writer. This method is used primarily by control developers. (Inherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl)
Public MethodResolveClientUrlGets a URL that can be used by the browser. (Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control)
Public MethodResolveUrlConverts a URL into one that is usable on the requesting client. (Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control)
Public MethodSaveStateOverloaded. string LoadState()

void LoadState(string xmlFilePath,Chart chartObject)

string LoadState(Chart chartObject)

string LoadState()

void LoadState(string xmlFilePath)

string LoadState(Chart chartObject)

string LoadState(string xmlFilePathOrData)

void LoadState(string xmlFilePathOrData,Chart chartObject)

string LoadState(Chart chartObject)

string LoadState()

string LoadState(string xmlFilePath)

void LoadState(string xmlFilePath,Chart chartObject)  

Public MethodSetRenderMethodDelegateAssigns an event handler delegate to render the server control and its content into its parent control. (Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control)

Public Events

Public EventDataBindingOccurs when the server control binds to a data source. (Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control)
Public EventDisposedOccurs when a server control is released from memory, which is the last stage of the server control lifecycle when an ASP.NET page is requested. (Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control)
Public EventErrorProcessing  
Public EventInitOccurs when the server control is initialized, which is the first step in its lifecycle. (Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control)
Public EventLoadOccurs when the server control is loaded into the Page object. (Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control)
Public EventPostDataProcessingOccurs when the the chart is completed the data processing.  
Public EventPreRenderOccurs after the Control object is loaded but prior to rendering. (Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control)
Public EventUnloadOccurs when the server control is unloaded from memory. (Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control)

See Also

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