Name |
Description |
DayFormatString |
Gets or sets the format string used with DateTime values that represent the instance in time wher%%%(Shortcut to: Element.Hotspot.URL)e the day changes. |
DayTick |
Gets or sets the AxisTick used to represent the instance in time where the day changes. |
HourFormatString |
Gets or sets the format string used with DateTime values that represent the instance in time where the hour changes. |
HourTick |
Gets or sets the AxisTick used to represent the instance in time where the hour changes. |
MaximumRangeRows |
Gets of sets the maximum number or rows automatically generated range ticks will span. |
MillisecondFormatString |
Gets or sets the format string used with DateTime values that represent the instance in time where the millisecond changes. |
MillisecondTick |
Gets or sets the axis tick used to represent the instance in time where the millisecond changes. |
MinuteFormatString |
Gets or sets the format string used with DateTimevalues that represent the instance in time where the minute changes. |
MinuteTick |
Gets or sets the AxisTick used to represent the instance in time where the minute changes. |
Mode |
Gets or sets the time label automation mode for single value labels. |
MonthFormatString |
Gets or sets the format string used with DateTime values that represent the instance in time where the Month changes. |
MonthTick |
Gets or sets the AxisTick used to represent the instance in time where the Month changes. |
PercentEdgeOverlapToRemoveTicks |
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether auto-generated range ticks are trimmed if more than the specified percentage of the label lingers outside of the axis bounds. |
QuarterFormatString |
Gets or sets the format string used with DateTime labels of quarter range ticks. |
QuarterTick |
Gets or sets the AxisTick used to represent a year's quarter range ticks. |
RangeIntervals |
Gets or sets an TimeIntervalCollection used with modes Range and AddRange. When no intervals are specified the intervals will be determined dynamically. |
RangeMode |
Gets or sets the time label automation mode for range value labels. |
SecondFormatString |
Gets or sets the format string used with DateTime values that represent the instance in time where the second changes. |
SecondTick |
Gets or sets the AxisTick used to represent the instance in time where the second changes. |
WeekFormatString |
Gets or sets the format string used with DateTime labels of week range ticks. |
WeekTick |
Gets or sets the AxisTick used to represent a week range ticks. |
YearFormatString |
Gets or sets the format string used with DateTime values that represent the instance in time where the year changes. |
YearTick |
Gets or sets the AxisTick used to represent the instance in time where the Year changes. |