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ResidualsAverage(SeriesCollection) Method
See Also 
dotnetCHARTING Namespace > StatisticalEngine Class > ResidualsAverage Method : ResidualsAverage(SeriesCollection) Method

A collection of series objects. For example, to evaluate this indicator for two series you will need to pass a series collection containing this two series.
Determines the arithmetic average of the residuals for all pairs of points within the current statistical series in accordance with the regression line constructed using LeastSquaresRegressionLineX.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Overloads Shared Function ResidualsAverage( _
   ByVal sc As SeriesCollection _
) As Series
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim sc As SeriesCollection
Dim value As Series
value = StatisticalEngine.ResidualsAverage(sc)
public static Series ResidualsAverage( 
   SeriesCollection sc


A collection of series objects. For example, to evaluate this indicator for two series you will need to pass a series collection containing this two series.

See Also

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