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ConnectionString Property
See Also  Example
dotnetCHARTING Namespace > Series Class : ConnectionString Property

Sets the database connection string used when dynamically obtaining charting data from a SQL statement.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Property ConnectionString As String
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim instance As Series
Dim value As String
instance.ConnectionString = value
value = instance.ConnectionString
public string ConnectionString {get; set;}


C#Copy Code
// This will set the Access connection string default for all series.
Chart.DefaultSeries.ConnectionString = @"c:\chartsample.mdb";

//This will set the SQL server connection string default to all series:
Chart.DefaultSeries.ConnectionString ="server=server name or IP;uid=username;pwd=password;database=database name";
Visual BasicCopy Code
'This will Set the Access connection String Default For all series.
Chart.DefaultSeries.ConnectionString = "c:\chartsample.mdb"

'This will Set the SQL server connection String Default To all series:
Chart.DefaultSeries.ConnectionString ="server=server name or IP;uid=username;pwd=password;database=database name"



This can be overridden or used in combination with the series level connectionstring. Access, Excel and SQL server are supported and automatically detected based on the connection string specified. See Getting Started > Tutorials > Connecting to data.

See Also

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