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JsOptions Class Members
See Also  Properties 
dotnetCHARTING Namespace : JsOptions Class

The following tables list the members exposed by JsOptions.

Public Constructors

Public ConstructorJsOptions ConstructorCreates an instance of the JsOptions object.  

Public Properties

Public PropertyAxisToZoom  
Public PropertyButtonsGets or sets the export and print button options.  
Public PropertyCalendarGets or sets the calendar options.  
Public PropertyControlID Gets or sets the ID of the JavaScript chart plugin tag generated on the HTML page. Setting this property provides a reference to the chart plugin from within the page using JavaScript.  
Public PropertyData  
Public PropertyDataGrid Gets or sets JavaScript DataGrid options.  
Public PropertyEnabled Gets or sets a value that determines whether the JavaScript chart is enabled.  
Public PropertyEnableElementSelection Gets or sets a value that determines whether elements can be selected by clicking on them.  
Public PropertyEnableMouseTracking Gets or sets a value that determines whether the mouse tracking is enabled for all series.  
Public PropertyExportServer Gets or sets the export server.  
Public PropertyHighlightsGets or sets the calendar highlight options.  
Public PropertyInitialAnimationDuration Gets or sets the initial animation duration in milliseconds. This applies to the initial animations when a chart is loaded.  
Public PropertyJQuery Gets or sets the JQuery URL. Defaults to  
Public PropertyLanguageStringsGets or sets the language string options.  
Public PropertyMapping Exposes options for use with mapping.  
Public PropertyRenderCallback Gets or sets the name of a javascript function defined within the page. This function is called after the javascript chart renders.  
Public PropertyScriptReference Gets the required script references after calling Chart.GetChartJS  
Public PropertySettings Gets or sets a dictionary containing additional JSChart properties and values to set before the JS chart renders. The string based key and value pair consists of a property path and value.  

See Also

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