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AxisMarker Class Members
See Also  Properties  Methods 
dotnetCHARTING Namespace : AxisMarker Class

The following tables list the members exposed by AxisMarker.

Public Constructors

Public ConstructorAxisMarker ConstructorOverloaded.  Initialize a new instance of the AxisMarker class.  

Public Properties

Public PropertyBackground Gets or sets a Background object used to fill this AxisMarker object's range on a ChartArea.  
Public PropertyBringToFront Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the AxisMarker is drawn in front of the chart data while in 2D mode.  
Public PropertyCalendarPattern Gets or set a CalendarPattern used by this axis marker instead of the range values.  
Public PropertyIncludeInAxisScale Gets or sets a value indicating whether an AxisTick or AxisMarker object using this ScaleRange will force the axis to expand it's scale to show it. (Inherited from ScaleRange)
Public PropertyLabel Gets or sets a Label object drawn next to the AxisMarker on a ChartArea.  
Public PropertyLegendEntry Gets or sets a LegendEntry that represents this AxisMarker in a LegendBox.  
Public PropertyLineGets or sets a Line object drawn on a ChartArea.  
Public PropertyTick Gets or sets an AxisTick object that will represent this AxisMarker on the axis where it resides.  
Public PropertyValueOverridden.  Gets or sets the numeric, DateTime, or text value of this AxisMarker.  
Public PropertyValueHighOverridden.  Gets or sets the upper bounds of a numeric, DateTime, or text range.  
Public PropertyValueLowOverridden.  Gets or sets the lower bounds of a numeric, DateTime, or text range.  

Public Methods

Public MethodToString (Inherited from ScaleRange)

See Also

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